Shawn Trotter Fan Club

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SOFGA ends for the summer, the last meeting is June 23, BIG PARTY, FREE CAKE, so don't miss it!!!

There is no Feature Player this time, just a whole lot of spontaneous talent!!!

Remember 7.30, $4 cover charge


SOFGA! stands for Southern Ontario Fingerstyle Guitar Association!
You can see Shawn Trotter, and many other FINE finger pickin' musicians at the Southern Ontario Fingerstyle Guitar Association (go to SOFGA.COM) every other Monday night at the Pheasant Plucker, $4 at the door! Don't miss it!

Trivia Contest!

DECEMBER 2007!  This month's trivia question, How many Shawn Trotters does it take to tune a guitar? Best answer wins.....DINNER at Shawn's mother's house. The lovely Mrs. Trotter will be serving her FAMOUS Radish and Kidney Pie (with just a hint of cheese...yummy)

The winner of June's Trivia contest is refusing to answer his phone....YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!

Win a free driving lesson!! Shawn Trotter's nephew just got his G1! Said nephew is willing to donate one free driving lesson to the winner of the January "Stories about Shawn Trotter" Contest!! 
If YOU are or were a friend/relative/neighbour of Shawn Trotter, or just want to pretend you are, please email us your story...
Send your replies to:

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